How Blevins & Adams Law Group Give Back to their Community with Huge Savings for all their Clients.

If you’ve been involved in an accident and are looking for an attorney, one thing you’ll be looking out for is how much it will cost to hire them. Specifically, you’ll want to be aware of the fees associated with hiring a lawyer.
A recent study has found that almost 50% of individuals who are seeking lawyer services don’t know how the lawyer gets paid (including fees). This is an important part of your decision for hiring a lawyer that we think should be very clear and upfront.
Types of Fees
There are multiple types of fees with different purposes and prices. Here are the most common types of fees:
Fixed Fees
Fixed fees are typically used for repeated and common services (perhaps writing a will or fighting a traffic ticket). This fee will most likely be set in place beforehand and will remain the same in each situation. These types of cases are straightforward, fairly simple, and fairly predictable.
Hourly Charges
On top of fixed fees, you may need to pay an hourly rate for an attorney’s services. These rates will vary depending on the lawyer, as there isn’t a set rate across the board.
Contingency Fees
Finally, contingency fees are paid to the lawyer if you are awarded damages after the case. This fee isn’t a fixed amount, rather, the lawyer will receive a percentage of what you’re compensated. Luckily, this amount is agreed to beforehand, so you can know how much would need to be given should you be awarded damages as you evaluate attorneys.
How the fee structure typically runs in Florida
In Florida, you’ll typically find that law firms will use the Florida Bar Schedule as a base for their contingency fees. They will use ⅓ for prelitigation and 40% for litigation.
If a lawyer decides to take a fee that is a lower amount than is what’s addressed in the Florida Bar Schedule, there isn’t any problem. There is a problem, however, if an attorney wishes to take more than what is laid out.
How Blevins & Adams Law Group Approaches Fees
Here at Blevins & Adams, we take a unique approach to our fee structure. We believe in giving back to the community, so instead of following the usual ⅓ for prelitigation and 40% for litigation, we will use a 25% fee system from the very beginning to the very end. That means between 8-15% of the extra fees Florida attorneys typically take stay with you.
Where do the extra fees go?
Other lawyers may use the extra 8-15% on things such as billboards, television advertisements, and personal gains such as mansions and jets. We believe that the best way to use the extra money is to give back to you and our local community.
Blevins & Adams Law Group Gives Back
In addition to our low fee policy, we also believe in charitable giving to our local community from our own pocket. We believe that “every win for our client is a win for the community.” Please read here to find more about how we give back: