driver texting while on road

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

The Dangers of Distracted Driving Distracted driving takes place when a driver fails to focus on the road or removes their hands from the steering wheel when driving. Although several reasons may make a driver distracted, mobile phones are the common form of distracted driving. This article provides a general overview of the dangers of […]

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getting safe on road

How to Stay Safe on the Road this Fall

Motorcycle Accidents During The Fall – How to Stay Safe on the Road As the sweltering summer comes to an end, more and more bikers are hitting the road to enjoy the beautiful Florida fall weather. Staying safe on the road is critical to ensure you have many more rides for years to come. Here […]

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Here at Blevins and Adams, we take a unique approach to our fee structure. We believe in giving back to the community, so instead of following the usual 1/3 for pre-litigation and 40% for litigation, we will use a 25% fee system from the very beginning to the very end. That means between 8-15% of the extra fees Florida attorneys typically charge you. We believe that the best way to use the extra money is to give back to you and our local community. Of course, there is no fee if we do not win for you. But when we win your case, the lower fee percentage could save you thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars!

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