What To Do If You Lose a Loved One in a Car Accident
What To Do If You Lose a Loved One in a Car Accident
One of the scariest things about driving is the potential for a fatality in a car accident. It’s something that everyone hopes to never deal with in their lives, but if it happens, you should make absolutely sure that you go about handling it the proper way and that you make sure your rights are protected. That means hiring the right Orlando car accident attorney that can make certain that your rights are attended to and any benefits that you are entitled to are fulfilled.
There are many laws designed specifically to protect you and your loved ones against wrongful death in motor vehicle accidents. In fact, in Florida, licensed drivers are required to cover insurance policies called personal injury protection that is intended specifically to help pay for injuries caused to other drivers and passengers in the event of an accident. Depending upon the circumstances of the accident, insurance companies or even the other party can potentially be liable for a variety of financial compensation. Even though Florida is considered a no-fault state, if any of the following elements were present in the accident that caused death, the other party could still be held liable and financially responsible:
- Drunk driving
- Distracted driving (such as texting while driving or other actions that distract the driver from their surroundings)
- Running a red light or a stop sign
- Driving without a valid driver’s license or without having the proper insurance coverage
- Failing to yield or follow other rules of the road
- Speeding or reckless driving
Navigating what to do and what you are entitled to when you are in shock and grief after an accident can be beyond challenging, so hiring a Orlando accident lawyer you trust and who is experienced in wrongful death claims can be invaluable. An Orlando wrongful death lawyer can help you determine what type of compensation you are entitled to and can help you facilitate initiating and following through on those claims. Additionally, should you have to take legal action against the other party or an insurance company, having an Orlando accident lawyer will be essential to make sure you are properly informed and that your rights are protected.
Traditionally, in cases of wrongful death due to a motor vehicle accident, you could be entitled to the following types of compensation:
- Recover for the loss of a loved one – this can include pain and suffering because of the loss of your loved one
- Receive compensation for your losses – this compensation can also include the damage done to the motor vehicle or any other valuable items in the car at the time of the accident that were damaged or destroyed
- Recover funeral expenses – In a wrongful death case, it might be possible to be awarded the funeral expenses for your loved one’s final expenses
- Recover loss of income and family support, past and future – Many families today rely on both spouses’ income in order to make ends meet. Therefore, it is possible to demand and receive compensation for the loss of income hardship that the wrongful death has created for your family.
In addition to the financial aspects, the other key benefit to pursuing action is that you will be able to hold the other party responsible for your loved one’s death, which could potentially even include criminal charges or jail time if the other party was drunk or driving recklessly at the time of the accident.
A spouse isn’t the only person who can potentially seek benefits in the case of a wrongful death from a motor vehicle accident. Other representatives who could file a lawsuit include:
- Children (this also includes step-children or adopted children)
- Legal financial dependents
- Domestic partners or life partners (this could include people in long-term relationships, even if they aren’t legally married)
- Parents of the victim of the accident
One of the key things to keep in mind is to not make assumptions after a fatal accident. You may be entitled to benefits even if you think you aren’t. Consulting an Orlando car accident attorney and getting all of the details surrounding the accident is critical to ensuring that your rights and potential financial benefits are protected and respected. Contact Blevins and Adams Law Group to get the compensation you and your family deserve.